Telos95® Telomere Health

Telos95 Telomere Supplement

Protect Telomere DNA & Chromosomes for Healthy Aging

Telos95 is a clinically proven anti-aging telomere lengthening & lowering cellular age supplement consisting of an advanced proprietary plant-based blend of highly therapeutic polyphenols, that are naturally isolated from grapevine and organic olive leaf. These phytochemical compounds fight free radicals to maintain the health of the cells from becoming Senescence Cells (death of cells). Cell Senescence causes premature aging and eventually diseases. Promote telomere health, cellular longevity, and protects against Cell Senescence.


Made in the U.S.
Made in USA

Manufactured in USA: We are a U.S. based company

FDA Compliant
FDA Compliant

Compliant With the United States Food & Drug Administration

Clinically Proven
Clinically Proven

Clinically Tested According to United States Government Regulations

GMO Free
100% GMO Free

Made By 100% Non-Genetically Modified Organisms

Telos95 Telomere Support Supplement Ingredients

Telomeres Ingredients

TELOS95  is a telomerase support supplement isolated from plants and is based on a naturally sourced blend of organic olive leaf & Grapevine which are highly purified into active Super polyphenol compounds.

Benefits of Telos95 Telomerase Supplement

These compounds are extremely high phytochemical compounds that

  • fight free radicals
  • nourish the cells with nutrients that promote telomere and cellular longevity
  • and slow down the aging process of our healthy cells
Slowing Down Aging Process
Decreasing TeloYears Age

Super powerful polyphenols that are clinically proven to lengthen your telomeres in just 6 months and decrease your TeloYears Age (your cellular age) by an average of 7.42 years.

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Since 8 years ago, when I found out that I had breast cancer, I didn't believe in and didn't eat health food at all. Because I've tried many different health foods, it didn't help me at all. Earlier this year, my family suggested that I try Telos95 and KollaJell to improve my insomnia and anxiety problems for many years. They told me that they are completely natural and new functional food supplements. 3 months later, my family and friends told me that I seem to be a completely changed person. The spirit, mood, and radiance of the whole person have been completely improved. Thank you family for discovering such a good health food.
End of last year I dispatched two functional food supplements- Telos95 and KollaJell to my 85 years old father who is a prostate cancer patient for more than 15 years. The reason I am doing it, because I personally believe nature food grade supplements do play very big roles in helping malnutrition, although we might not realized most of us are, especially for chronicle disease patients.
Three months later I got phone calls from my dad and asked me to mail him 3 more months of products. He mentioned the results of his routine check up came out great and he could get on car without helps. The most amazing thing is that his vision is getting clear and sleeping quality is improving. His is very convinced by those improvements.
Started taking some time back and noticed it really did help with the benefits listed. I then tried competitor supplements for telomeres and they are less expensive but I could not even tell if I was taking anything - they did nothing. If you are interested in looking and feeling younger, longevity by nature has superior quality products - do not waste your money on the other competitors, they do not work. I recommend Telos95 and take it myself every day.
I've been using Telos95 when people get sick around me as a prevention. I never get sick. Actually, when I stopped taking it, I got the flu. So it's definitely working. Also helps when I feel a cold coming, the next day, it's gone.

How Does Telos95 Work?

Cell division can change chromosomes compounds. An enzyme called “Telomerase” protects the end of the chromosome and acts to rebuild telomeres.

Telos95 is an anti-aging telomere support supplement which has been clinically proven to lengthen your telomeres and decrease your cellular age by an average of 7.42 years.    

GMO Free
Natural Food Grade
Synthetic Free

Watch Our Telos95 Telomere Supplement Video

Telos95 Telomerase Supplement (FAQs)

Telomeres are short segments of DNA which cap the end of every chromosome, acting as ‘buffer’ against wear and tear. Telomeres become shorter with age and poor lifestyle choices, eventually failing to protect cells.

Telomerase is an enzyme that builds and maintains Telomeres. It prevents or reduces shortening by adding extra pieces of DNA each time a cell divide. Without Telomerase, human telomeres get shorter each time a cell divides, leading to eventual cell senescence and loss of cell function, which plays a key role in aging.

No. But telomerase can improve the health of telomeres and keep them from becoming frail and shorter, helps to aid our DNA as we age, live healthier and stay more active.

Human telomeres get shorter each time a cell divides, leading to eventual cell senescence and loss of cell function, which plays a key role in aging.


Adverse Consequences of Short Telomeres:


Loss of tissue renewal capacity

Failure of stem cell niches

Induction of metabolic dysfunction

Senescence-associated secretory phenotype (SASP)

Increased risk of cancer (genomic instability)

Causing cells to malfunction

While many genetic disorders are caused by mutations before we’re born, we can do plenty to keep our cells healthy and rejuvenating for the rest of our lives. Here are some tips you can use to ensure you’re giving your telomeres good reason to delay shortening.


Keep your BMI in a healthy range – obesity puts a lot of additional strain on your body


Exercise regularly – even just a walk 20 minutes a day is better than taking no exercise at all


Manage stress – those who have suffered chronic stress have been seen to have shorter telomeres than their peers


Prioritize your nutrition – eat antioxidant-rich foods such as fruit and vegetables, and try to eat whole grains when you can instead of other complex carbohydrates. Use supplements to ensure you’re getting a full range of vitamins and minerals. Our  telomere health-focused supplement Telos95 ® contains clinically proven nutrients to help you do this.

Telos95® is the only plant-based, dietary supplement that aids in the chromosome stability during the process of cell replication. Daily dosage of 95mg has been clinically shown to lengthen your telomeres in just six months and decrease your cellular age by an average  of 7.42 years.

Plant based blend of highly therapeutic polyphenols that are naturally isolated from organic olive leaf and grapevine.

Our cells need to recognize it is being fed by nutrients in order to support and maintain healthy cells. Therefore, supplements take time to work. Telos95 will take at least 30-90 days to see results.  

Yes. The only scientifically proven supplement supported by human clinical study

Yes. We test all of our supplements to insure its purity, potency and effectiveness.

It supports our DNA and maintains healthy cells.

Yes. Nutrients that boost energy and fatigue.

No. It is Non-GMO and filler free.

TeloYears is a genetic test which unlocks the secrets of your cellular age by examining the length of your telomeres, the caps on your chromosomes.

Yes. It is the most powerful antioxidant that supports and strengthen the immune system.

Telos 95 telomerase support supplement has no known adverse side effects.

The Science Behind Telos95 Telomere Supplement

Our initial research was about (silent information regular proteins), specifically SIRT 1 and Sir2 genes in human cells, and Telomere maintenance in relation to the aging process.

After experimenting with many purified natural organic compounds, our research finally succeeded in making the perfect composition and scientifically validated with clinically proven methods, TAT technology,  Cawthon qPCR Assay and TeloYears. 

Telomeres Science
Telomeres Shortening

In 2013, we partnered with Life Length of Madrid, Spain to assess the potential effect of Telos95 on telomere length in a cell line.

Telomere length and the percentage of short telomeres were assessed in a single assay using Life Length TAT technology. Results confirmed our research with positive indications of Halting Telomere shortening. 

To confirm further, in 2018, we partnered with Princeton Consumer Research to Assess Effectiveness of Telos95 on humans to Halt the Shortening of Telomere Length as Demonstrated by the “Cawthon qPCR Assay”.

In fact, study shows in just 6 months by taking 95mg of Telos95, you can lengthen your telomeres & decrease your TeloYears age (your cellular age) by an avg. of 7.42 years

Lifespan Longevity

Featured in The Media

Telomeres Biologically Ensures a Healthy Centrosome Matrix

What Are Telomeres?​

Telomeres are the biological clocks that are ticking from the day we are conceived until the day we die.

When cells divide and replicate, we lose telomere length. Cellular reproduction is required on a regular basis to repair damaged cellular tissue and to cope with oxidative stress. When telomeres are reduced to approximately five thousand pairs, our cells become senescent, which is a retirement like state where they no longer divide and eventually die. Telomeres are at the base of eukaryotic chromosomes, which prevents cell deterioration and makes sure the cells divide and replicate in a healthy state.

Telomeres are defined as the protective (cap) at the end of a chromosome structure that conveys the genetic communication to our cells. Telomeres ensure the chromosomes stability during the process of cell replication. Telomere length is essential for optimum cellular health. Chromosomes are capped by the telo (end) mere (segment), which is viable for the function and vitality of normal cell replicative senescence. Stress, poor diet, environmental toxins, electromagnetic fields (EMF), radio frequency radiation (RFR) from cell phones, cell towers, home utility smart meters, and chronic inflammation leads to oxidative DNA damage, which accelerates telomere shortening and premature cell senescence.

A Telomere Definition

Telomeres are a sequence of 6 bases, repeated about 3,000 times, that can be found at either end of each chromosome. They act as protection for the rest of the DNA molecules found in every chromosome.

Many people describe them as the shoelace caps for your DNA – in the same way the plastic or metal ends to your shoelaces keep them from unravelling, your telomeres do the same for your DNA.

How Do Telomeres Work?

Telomeres work to prevent the ends of our chromosomes from both fraying and from sticking to one another. They also make sure that our DNA is copied correctly when our cells divide.

Our cells divide all the time to grow new cells, including skin cells, blood cells, bone cells, and others. Every time a cell divides, the DNA strands get slightly shorter.

Without telomeres, we would lose important genetic information from our chromosomes every time a cell divides, but instead, 25-200 bases within the thousands of repeated sequences in the telomeres are lost. They are vital for protecting our DNA, because once a strand of DNA has mutated (been damaged) it is no longer recognizable by enzymes and cannot be repaired. When mutation occurs, it can cause birth defects, genetic disorders, and other medical conditions.

young woman taking temperature from illness symptom

Telomeres and Aging

This telomere shortening described above is the process that is thought to cause aging in our cells, and consequently our bodies.

When the telomeres become too short, after around 50 cell divisions, our cells can’t divide anymore. This is known as the   critical length.

A telomere at a critical length is able to send a signal to the rest of the cell that the DNA has a problem and needs to be repaired, as opposed to copied. If it is not repaired straight away, the cell becomes inactive and will accumulate damage over time that cannot be repaired, and may die.  

Although there is evidence that there is a link between telomere shortening and aging, scientists are still not certain whether it results in aging itself or just signs of aging, such as gray hair and wrinkles.


How Does Telomerase Work?

Telomerase is an enzyme that actually attaches the telomere sequence to the ends of our chromosomes so that our cells can divide rather than age.

In our somatic cells (all cells that aren’t reproductive), telomerase is found in only very low concentrations. This means that the telomere sequence will not be added to and so these somatic cells will age over time and normal function will deteriorate.

In reproductive cells, however, i.e. egg and sperm cells, telomerase constantly adds more and more of the telomere sequence to the ends of chromosomes so that the DNA strands can never shorten.

lengthen my telomeres

Telomerase and Cancer

Cancer is caused by cell division that is uncontrollable and, unfortunately, telomerase is found in particularly high concentrations within cancer cells. As telomerase keeps adding to the telomere sequence on the chromosomes in these cancer cells, much like reproductive cells, they become immortal and never stop dividing leading to tumors.

If there was a way to inhibit the activity of telomerase in cancer cells, the telomeres would be allowed to shorten as they do in a healthy cell until they reach a critical length.

However, any drugs that have the potential to do this would have an adverse effect on reproductive, platelets, and immune cells, resulting in fertility problems, ineffective wound healing, and the inability to fight off infection.

Benefits of Telomeres

So, what are the benefits of telomeres?

  • Telomeres play a crucial role in preventing the uncontrollable division of cells, which would otherwise lead to cancer
  • Telomeres help to protect your chromosomes from damage
  • Telomeres stop your important genetic information from being lost during cell division
  • Telomeres slow down the aging process until they reach critical length
longer life

The Telomere Effect: How to Live Longer, Healthier and Happier Lives ​

In their book The Telomere Effect, published in 2017, Elissa Epel and Elizabeth Blackburn give evidence that, by living a healthy lifestyle such as regular exercise, eating a nutritious diet, managing stress, and sleeping well, we are able to assist in reducing the rate at which telomeres shorten within our bodies, working to hinder the onset of any age-related diseases and therefore increase our lifespan. 

How to Look After Telomeres

As suggested in the book The Telomere Effect, we don’t have to leave the health of our telomeres entirely to chance. While many genetic disorders are caused by mutations before we’re born, we can do plenty to keep our cells healthy and rejuvenating for the rest of our lives. Here are some tips you can use to ensure you’re giving your telomeres good reason to delay shortening.

  • Keep your BMI in a healthy range – obesity puts a lot of additional strain on your body
  • Exercise regularly – even just a walk 20 minutes a day is better than taking no exercise at all (one study even found ) that men in their 50s who ran regularly had telomeres the length of men in their 20s, while sedentary men had 40% shorter telomeres)
  • Manage stress – those who have suffered chronic stress have been seen to have shorter telomeres than their peers
  • Prioritize your nutrition – eat antioxidant-rich foods such as fruit and vegetables, and try to eat whole grains when you can instead of other complex carbohydrates. If you can’t get everything you need from your diet alone, use supplements to ensure you’re getting a full range of vitamins and minerals. Our   telomere health-focused supplement Telos95 contains clinically proven nutrients to help you do this.

Prioritizing the health of our telomeres is one of, if not the key thing we should be doing if we want to live long, healthy, happy, and active lives!

Telomere & Healthy Cell Division

Normal Cell Replicative Senescence​

Telos95 is the only plant-based, dietary supplement that aids in the chromosome stability during the process of cell replication.

It’s vital that normal cell replicative senescence takes place, so the cells divide in a healthy state and telomeres remain at the same length or lengthen, which biologically ensures a healthy centrosome matrix and repetitive nucleotide sequence at each end of the chromosome.

Innovative nutraceuticals from nature that are cell permeable compounds and energy rich molecules that naturally support telomeres and DNA genetic code replicative cell division.

This unique proprietary blend is the only formula worldwide that is proven to lengthen human telomeres by 80% and lowers TeloYear Age™ by 7.42 years in just 6 MONTHS.

Two highly therapeutic, food grade polyphenols that are internally derived throughout the blood brain barrier and mitochondrial biogenesis where DNA cellular changes take place.

What Are Teloyears?

Generally speaking, the age of your cells in TeloYears is the actual age of a typical man or woman whose telomere length is similar to yours. More specifically, it is calculated using a complex formula that was built by our Telomere Diagnostics based on the following process.

How Teloyears Work?

First, we measured average telomere length on a statistically large enough number of people (over 10,000 subjects) so as to construct a nationally representative population. Next we built a mathematical model or formula by applying statistical methods to the population level results, including regression and variance analysis of the means and distributions of relevant sub populations.

Then, we compare the formula’s projected average telomere length for the typical person your actual age and gender to your own measured telomere length.

Finally, your cells’ age in TeloYears is determined based on where your telomere length falls on a distribution curve, which establishes a confidence interval around the formula’s projected mean for you based on the variance inherent in our method of measuring telomere length. Likewise we use this model to calculate the percentile score your telomere length represents as compared to a typical man or woman of your actual age.

Scientists Suggest People Will Live To 130 Within This Century!

Scientists decoded an enzyme thought to halt ageing in plants, animals, and humans as part of a recent breakthrough study.

‘It has been a long time coming,’ lead investigator Kathleen Collins, a molecular biologist at the University of California in Berkeley, said in a statement. ‘Our findings provide a structural framework for understanding human telomerase disease mutations and represent an important step towards telomerase-related clinical therapeutics.’

Part protein and part RNA (genetic material that relays instructions for building proteins) telomerase acts on microscopic sheaths, known as telomeres, that cover the tips of the chromosomes found inside all cells.

In humans, each cell contains 23 pairs of chromosomes, including one pair of sex chromosomes – the ‘X’ and ‘Y’ – that differ between males and females.

Australian-American biologist Elizabeth Blackburn, who shared the 2009 Nobel Prize in Medicine for discovering telomeres and their protective function in the 1970s, likened them to the tiny plastic caps that keep shoelaces from fraying.

Eventually, however, shoelace tips and telomeres do break down: every time a cell divides the telomeres get worn a little bit more, until the cell stops dividing and dies. This, biologists agree, is probably central to the natural ageing process.

Aging often comes with aches, pain, fragile body, and mental health decline. Scientists have discovered the secret to stay young, healthy, and fight the disease of premature aging. First, what is the nature of aging? Scientists say it is the “senescence” of cells, stage where cells are dead (“zombie like”). Senescence cells causes telomeres to be shorter and telomerase enzymes from functioning normally. Old cells (zombie cells) are drag on the body’s health. These senescence cells that have lost normal functions will continue to occupy a place in the body and release molecules that causes inflammation and destroy them in the body

Every human cell has 23 pairs of chromosomes containing DNA that provide instructions for cell division and function. Telomeres are protective caps of DNA on the ends of chromosomes that have been likened to the plastic tips that prevent shoelaces from fraying.  Eventually, however, shoelace tips and telomeres do break down: every time a cell divides the telomeres get worn a little bit more, get shorter & shorter until the cell stops dividing and dies. However senescent cells (“zombie cells”) will continue to release molecules that cause inflammation and destroy them in the body.

For decades, clinical  research on telomere’s health have been studied, and published. In few words, keeping our telomeres long and our cells from becoming “Zombie Like”,  is the most important thing we can do to maintain healthy lifestyle and not fall victim to premature aging. Maintaining telomere length is very important! Telomeres are the protection of chromosomes. If they are too short, the cell will stop dividing and enter apoptosis. Therefore, we should understand what factors make telomeres shorter, and what lifestyles can maintain telomere length.


To lengthen our telomeres and slow down our aging process, there are 5 things we can do:

  1. Knowing how to relieve stress.
  2. Practicing meditation
  3. Enjoying high-quality diet.
  4. Exercising on a regular basis
  5. Stimulating our immune system and resetting our systems by shocking our systems properly
  6. Getting warm support from interpersonal relationships.


Through a good lifestyle, we can help ourselves grow older and reduce the chance of chronic bedrest after the old age.


Modern scientists have discovered that if people don’t age so quickly, what kind of elixir is needed? Telos95®—Maintaining the length of the “telomere” is the key.

Scientists decoded an enzyme thought to halt ageing in plants, animals, and humans as part of a recent breakthrough studies. Part protein and part RNA (genetic material that relays instructions for building proteins) telomerase acts on microscopic sheaths, known as telomeres, that cover the tips of the chromosomes found inside all cells.

Scientists developed a way to measure our telomeres’ length & further confirm how our cells are aging on a cellular level. A simple blood draw of 2ml is all you need. DNA from white blood cells is analyzed by quantitative real-time polymerase chain reaction (qPCR) to determine the average leukocyte telomere length value by comparing the number of nucleotide repeats of the telomeres against copy reference gene. The result is then compared to an age-matched population. 

Keeping our telomeres healthy, requires us to maintain a good diet, sleep well, exercise, walk, meditate, etc. new research even go as far as saying to shocking our system by dipping in cold water, Sauna, and intermittent fasting. But of course, this is not recommended for everyone.


Supplement with Telos95 on the other hand, will improve your telomere length and cellular age. A specific daily dosage of 95mg, clinically proven to increase telomeres by 80% and decrease (lower cellular age) by an average of 7.42 years. The right (specific dosage) is very important for any medicine or supplement to be effective. Too many people make the mistake of increasing antioxidants dosages such as vitamin A, C, and E, or growth hormone(HGH) thinking that it will slow down the aging process. Research shows not only do we need the right dosage, but any increase in large dosages will cause further harm to our cells and reach “zombie state” at an accelerated rate. Telos95 is made up of powerful polyphenols that reduces inflammation and oxidative stress by fighting all form of free radicals which causes inflammation that leads to cells senescence. Boost your immune system and telomeres to fight against premature aging. Telos95 is the only clinically proven ingredients to lengthen your telomeres by 80% and lower your cellar age by an average of 7.42 years.


Now have an efficacious, safe and science based nutritional supplement called Telos 95 capable of controlling the aging process via modulation of telomerase. And the good news, is Telos 95 has no known adverse side effects as side from the positives such as telomere length preservation and restoration. And here’s what that can look like to those choosing to strive for age-defiance,  younger looking skin, greater joint mobility, sleep requirement, and much more.

Damaged telomeres can create “zombie cells” that are still alive but can’t function. Telos95 helps support healthy telomere supplement and is a clinically proven natural supplement.

According to, the average telomere length in healthy human cells has a range from between 5 (60–70 years old) to 20 ( less than 10 years) kilobases.

The Science Behind Telos95 Telomerase Supplement

Scientifically Tested & Proven anti-aging supplement for lengthening telomeres

Princeton Consumer Research & HealthMED Publication

Telos95 is the only plant-based, dietary supplement that aids in the chromosome stability during the process of cell replication.

12-month study conducted in two phases, where the first 6 months will be the control phase (no treatment) and the following 6 months, 50 subjects will enter the treatment phase to assess the effectiveness of Telos95® (dietary supplement) to halt the shortening of telomere length as demonstrated by Cawthon qPCR Assay HealthMED.

This unique proprietary blend is the only formula worldwide that is proven to lengthen human telomeres by 80% and lowers TeloYear Age™ by 7.42 years in just 6 MONTHS.

Two highly therapeutic, food grade polyphenols that are internally derived throughout the blood brain barrier and mitochondrial biogenesis where DNA cellular changes take place.

Telemere measurement by quantitative PCR. Nucl. Acids Res. (2002) 30(10):e47

Telomere Length Increase Analysis

Cellular Age Decrease Statistical Analysis


Fifty (50) subjects completed all aspects of the study. Group A decreased TeloYear Age™ on average by 7.42 years. Group B decreased on average by 8.52 years. In addition, the average telomere length (ATL), also represented as the T/S ratio, Group A showed a baseline measurement of 0.85 and after taking Telos95® for 6 months it increased to 0.95. Group B baseline ATL measured 0.82 at baseline and increased to 0.94 post 6 months of test article usage.

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Since 8 years ago, when I found out that I had breast cancer, I didn't believe in and didn't eat health food at all. Because I've tried many different health foods, it didn't help me at all. Earlier this year, my family suggested that I try Telos95 and KollaJell to improve my insomnia and anxiety problems for many years. They told me that they are completely natural and new functional food supplements. 3 months later, my family and friends told me that I seem to be a completely changed person. The spirit, mood, and radiance of the whole person have been completely improved. Thank you family for discovering such a good health food.
End of last year I dispatched two functional food supplements- Telos95 and KollaJell to my 85 years old father who is a prostate cancer patient for more than 15 years. The reason I am doing it, because I personally believe nature food grade supplements do play very big roles in helping malnutrition, although we might not realized most of us are, especially for chronicle disease patients.
Three months later I got phone calls from my dad and asked me to mail him 3 more months of products. He mentioned the results of his routine check up came out great and he could get on car without helps. The most amazing thing is that his vision is getting clear and sleeping quality is improving. His is very convinced by those improvements.
Started taking some time back and noticed it really did help with the benefits listed. I then tried competitor supplements for telomeres and they are less expensive but I could not even tell if I was taking anything - they did nothing. If you are interested in looking and feeling younger, longevity by nature has superior quality products - do not waste your money on the other competitors, they do not work. I recommend Telos95 and take it myself every day.
I've been using Telos95 when people get sick around me as a prevention. I never get sick. Actually, when I stopped taking it, I got the flu. So it's definitely working. Also helps when I feel a cold coming, the next day, it's gone.

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